Audience And Other Stuff

I’m not in today for health reasons. Here’re the slides I referenced yesterday:

Click For The Slides

As mentioned, remember things like:

  • Reception (where and how you encounter a media text)
  • Hypodermic Needle Theory
  • Two Step Flow Theory
  • Uses and Gratifications Theory
  • Reception Theory
  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

And also, check the Understanding Standards site (Click Image for Link):

Click The Pic for the Link

I’ll see you tomorrow!

Can You Hear Me?

sucked_largeJust a non-time critical wee resource post for you on Audience Research.

As we’ll discuss in class, it is essential that you carry out audience research but what does that actually mean, and how do you/could you go about it?

First up for you to consider (and no, it’s not definitive, or even wholly relevant per se) is this Slide Deck…

It gives a fair overview of some of the questions you will be tackling and also some hints about things you could do.

Next up is the ESF Media Page on Audience Research Methods. Lots to read through and you’ll have no excuses for not having any ideas after a look at it:

Clicky Picky Fory Linky…

And lastly… don’t forget your notes/handouts. Think posters. Think McDonalds. Think USPs. Think ‘why did I not pay attention last time’. Think ‘Will I get taken to a post with some diagrams I should remember and understand if I click these words in bold type.‘ (Hint: Yes)

PS: This. It’s useful. But only if you click the link and read it. #justsaying

And We’re Back! Research Time…

So, time to get busy. The links you will need to chase up are as follows:

And that’s plenty to be going on with!





Audience – Part 01

As promised, here’re the slides from today. If you’re smart, you’ll realise we haven’t been through all of them… and more importantly, you should have realised that there is a LOT of information in them as well… You need to read them through thoroughly. And ask questions because we both know you haven’t picked it all up on the first ‘reading’. (PS: There’ll be a short quiz on the topic soon as well. #justsayin)

Anyway… if you’re paying attention, you know what to do. Click on the woman 2 rows back, 2nd from the right (with the blond hair) to download the slides.

Audience Download PNG

Tomorrow, we should finish off this part of the slides ready to move on for your own market research. 🙂

Research, Research, Research

Where to begin?

There are three main areas you need to consider carefully, and each of them require you to think and reflect…

As well as devising your own questionnaire (and that isn’t as easy as it sounds… you have to be wary of only asking questions that you want the answer to, or of framing them so you get the answer you already want/expect), you also need to get it out there as soon as possible. By Thursday at the latest. #seriously!

Screen Shot 2016-02-08 at 19.03.10To give you a few pointers, a quick Google™ search should find you some examples… but you’re likely to find they are mostly by other Media students. This is partly because the film industry (institutions) are loathe to share their intelligence. That said, you should find some if you persevere.

You might also want to think about people who carry out audience research for the sake of BFI_COL_LOGO_GLOWresearch itself. The BFI, for example. They regularly post research findings into audiences and films in the UK (and beyond). There’s a veritable treasure trove of figures and information to be found on their Film Industry Statistics and Reports page. You’ll need to rake, but theres plenty of information there that will be of use to you for your report, and also for the Role of Media question later… #justsaying

For F’s Sake?

Really interesting post on the BBC this morning about sexism in the film industry. Is it time to expand the ‘F’ certificate that was first used at last year’s Bath Film Festival. They award it as follows:

It is given to any film that meets one of three criteria: It must be written by a woman, directed by a woman or feature “significant women on screen in their own right”.

Is this needed? Overdue? Patronising? An admission that people cannot self-regulate? And would it be a selling point for a film as far as you are concerned?

Please read the article, and leave your thoughts in the comments!

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Click to visit the BBC article…

Support Notes 01

pdf-icon-1I’m hoping to post support notes on a regular basis. These will cover some of the ground we have covered in class as well as giving you some extra areas to consider. The ‘good’ :-/ news is that they will also have some tasks that you will need to complete. Soz. 😉

Anyway… here’s the first one on Audience. Enjoy, and questions can be posted as comments. (PS: It’s in PDF format and looks great on an iPad… #justsayin!)

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Click to Download