How Do You Use Edmodo?

Well, you just use Edmodo…

Edmodo is a really useful tool for allowing you to upload assignments, and keep tabs on your progress. It also allows you to give your parent/guardian/budgie a code so they can keep tabs on you as well. For some strange reason that I have yet to discern, no one has ever actually made use of this facility.

Here’s a step by step guide to getting you up and running…

  1. Go to
  2. Click on “I’m a Student” =>Screen Shot 2016-02-07 at 12.11.02
  3. Fill in the simple form => Screen Shot 2016-02-07 at 12.13.52
  4. The important bit is the “Group Code” which you can find in this (password protected) post.
  5. When done, your form should look like this: Screen Shot 2016-02-07 at 12.19.42
  6. Click “Sign Up For Free” and that’s you.
  7. Oh, and there’s a useful iOS and Android app for Edmodo that allows you to keep tabs on the course.

Don’t be fooled into thinking it’s a Facebook clone, it’s not. It has very limited functionality, but the reason it is of use is that it is like an extension of the classroom… and really useful for sharing resources. It also allows you to submit assignments, take quick revision tests, and generally keep on top of everything.

As a final point, Edmodo is designed from the ground up to be private and secure. You cannot share the content with anyone who does not have the group code (though you can give your parents their own unique ‘Parent Code’ should you wish…). It will also give you a wee (very limited) taster for the sorts of Social Media forums you’ll encounter at Uni/College.

If you have any questions, just drop me a line/comment/see me in class.