Useful Resource

I’ve just rejoined FilmmakerIQ (Yes, even I can forget login details!), and am posting a link here for you guys. It’s a useful site for movie and film related resources/research and occassional practical exercises/competitions.

It will expand your knowledge exponentially and regular visits and viewings will allow you to completely pwn parts of the course. Just be aware that it is an American site, and the focus when it comes to things like censorship and audiences is skewed to the good ol’ US of A.

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Click the image to visit FilmmakerIQ… go on… you know you want to! 😉


filepicker-vawFINbnQJ2Szh0ngW4t_movie_cameraAnd so it begins!

The Product Log (Word/PDF) is attached to this post for you to download. As mentioned in class, it is an invaluable aid to allow you to complete the assignment with the minimum of stress! Keep it up to date, and use it to plan your next steps.

First… the overview

You are to produce a short film (roughly 8 – 10 minutes long) and then create a trailer for the film. This trailer will form the basis of your final report.

Your final report has to be completed individually, but it is impossible to do without working with others. We’ll be covering all the necessary parts as we go along, but you will find there is a fair amount of work you need to complete outwit the class time. Because of this, I will be running a drop in support session most lunchtimes and after school on a Tuesday (starting 8th September).

Your first task is to come up with 3 or 4 ideas for stories that you can begin development work on. These need to be done for next Monday (7th September) so we can get the brief and initial research completed.

It’ll be hard work, but I think you are really going to enjoy it. 🙂

Click the relevant icon to download the Logbook