Monday Monday…

kids-club-phoenix-bbfcI’ll not be there today so here’s what I’d like you to do:

  1. Read through THIS POST and then research what the following organisations do/have responsibility for:
    1. BBFC
    2. ASA
    3. OFCOM
  2. Start researching audience/genre/box office preferences and trends using statistics culled from the BFI Stats Pages. Things to find out would be along the lines of:
    1. Which is the most popular genre of film? (Is there more than one?)
    2. Is there a link between age and box office take?
    3. How could you use historic data to focus your own product?
  3. Start looking into audience research in more depth. There are some resources in THIS POST that should help you.

As you will have realised, this is about developing knowledge of institutional constraints and is also directly applicable to your product/assignments…

I’ll be in tomorrow and will be getting you set up for your assignments. Take care, stay warm, and don’t waste your time! Lots to do. 🙂

PS: Some people have already started their research so you can use them to help you, and ask to use the library/PCs if you can’t use your phone, etc.

PPS: Don’t forget this!
Compass McMap.006

Can You Hear Me?

sucked_largeJust a non-time critical wee resource post for you on Audience Research.

As we’ll discuss in class, it is essential that you carry out audience research but what does that actually mean, and how do you/could you go about it?

First up for you to consider (and no, it’s not definitive, or even wholly relevant per se) is this Slide Deck…

It gives a fair overview of some of the questions you will be tackling and also some hints about things you could do.

Next up is the ESF Media Page on Audience Research Methods. Lots to read through and you’ll have no excuses for not having any ideas after a look at it:

Clicky Picky Fory Linky…

And lastly… don’t forget your notes/handouts. Think posters. Think McDonalds. Think USPs. Think ‘why did I not pay attention last time’. Think ‘Will I get taken to a post with some diagrams I should remember and understand if I click these words in bold type.‘ (Hint: Yes)

PS: This. It’s useful. But only if you click the link and read it. #justsaying

And We’re Back! Research Time…

So, time to get busy. The links you will need to chase up are as follows:

And that’s plenty to be going on with!