And Like That… Again!

Narrative. Story. Plot.

These are crucial concepts to get your head around. They shouldn’t be too difficult because you’ve been hearing the words for ages in English, but you do need to know them in greater depth.

For now, it is enough if you remember that there are SEVEN narrative structures that you should be aware of, and that by narrative structure, we mean how the story/text is constructed.

With regards the story (or plot) itself, there are only really 7 plots to consider…

Full details in the slides which (as ever) you can get as a PDF by clicking the picture below. Use the comments if you want clarification on any of it… 🙂

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Click to download the PDF


Reminder: The Key Concepts

Just a wee reminder for you as you revise…

The Key Concepts

These are the areas we have been considering all year and can be summed up as follows…

When we look at media texts, we ask the following questions:

How are texts shaped to meet needs, influence behaviour and achieve a purpose?

The Role of the Media
What type of text is it? Categories
How do we know what it means? Language
What type of story does it tell? Narrative
How does it present its subject? Representation
Who has produced it, and what constraints did they face? Institutions
Who receives it, and what sense do they make of it? Audience
When are texts received? Society

Easter Revision 03 – Narrative

[Version 1]

A handful of files for you today…

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Click on the images to download the three files. The ‘green’ one you should already have as a printout… and also the booklet Narrative one as well.

As you read through them, always be thinking about PQD, and also whether the narratives of any music videos you see fit them as well (I’ll give you a clue, they probably do!)

Be on the look out for examples to illustrate the concepts and theories… and keep your eyes peeled for a wee update on what you need to remember for the exam itself. 🙂

As ever, I am indebted to the work of Messrs Pikavance, Jewell and Instrell for the originals… My revamps are mainly so I can run them on my Mac!

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Audience Part 01


Click to Download

Here are the slides from class. As ever, they do not include the clips, but you are welcome to bring in a memory stick if you want them to study at home.

Please ask for any clarifications on anything you aren’t sure about. I’m also converting them into a printed handout that should be ready for you next Monday at the latest. Don’t say I’m not good to you! 🙂