screen-shot-2017-02-28-at-07-51-33Not sure which rules and regulations and codes of practice (mmm… that’s in bold type. Wonder if it’s an important term I should remember/use?) might apply to your poster(s)? No worries… You’re maybe looking in the wrong place for help.

The main legal constraint (another good phrase that, you should maybe use it at some point! Hint. Hint.) from an institutional point of view (Another great phrase – where does he get them all!) comes from the ASA. They are the regulatory body who rule on the suitability of an advert (which is, after all, what a poster is – an advert for a film).

When you are designing a poster, there is regulatory guidance available from the CAP ( The CAP are the Committee of Advertising Practice and they offer training and guidance on advertising… and they also draw up the rules/guidance that advertisers need to follow. They work hand-in-hand with the ASA.

Now, I had hoped that at least one of you would have stumbled on the CAP by now… and specifically, this page:

But just in case you haven’t, and want the tl;dr version, you NEED to look at this guide in particular:

There’s plenty in there to keep you busy… and remember… HOW WOULD/DOES/COULD WHAT YOU ARE READING APPLY TO YOUR OWN POSTERS (You get marks for knowing the industry/institutional constraints that would apply in real life). 
Happy reading… and use the comments to ask questions… or Edmodo.


As you’ve likely heard, I had my op on Wednesday. The NHS rocks!

More practically, I’m a lot more immobile than I expected to be with this first cast. That (I am assured) will change when I get the proper cast on on Monday. As a result, I’m struggling to do much that is useful with only one hand. I’ll get the Mac and a mike rigged up this weekend so I can dictate via SIRI. In the meantime, keep making notes on your pre-production work. Go through the stages and make sure you have something relevant for as many as possible. I’ll set up Edmodo so you can upload/share what you have so far and I’ll be able to give you verbal feedback later as well. 

Finally (for now), help each other! If you find a relevant bit of guidance or advice from the ASA, share it!

And absolutely lastly… do not under any circumstances… be tempted to start working on your product until you’ve finished your pre-production phase. I guarantee you will be throwing away marks, and potentially a lot of marks, if you do that. 

I’m hoping to be back by the end of next week, but will know more after my appointment on Monday. 

Keep busy, and be most excellent unto each other. 

QUIZLET Available

I’ve managed to get Quizlet up and running. At the moment, there are only a few bits and pieces available, and almost no pictures, but I’ll add to it as we go… and feel free to give me suggestions!

Click to join Quizlet Study Aids

There are 3 short ‘sets’ available on Narrative Structure, Seven Plots and Importance of Audience. There’s also a massive set with the complete glossary from the back of your course book turned into flashcards that you can study and quiz yourself on. It’s ridiculously big… honestly… like “pure mad mental” big… but still worth working on! I will sort out a few smaller sub-sets based on it for you very shortly (as in, when I can work out how to create sub-sets), but I think you should still make a start ‘playing with it…

As a bonus, Quizlet have a free iOS and Android App so you can study as you go…


ASA Decisions

Just out of interest, I have found a couple of ASA rulings on film posters (more may likely follow). Perhaps unsurprisingly, given class discussion, both posters were featured on buses.

You should read through the decisions and consider how or why the posters were on the receiving end of complaint(s)… and whether you would agree with them. (And yes, this is all INSTITUTION stuff!)

Click The Clown… you know you want to!
Click The Bus... Sin City 2 Poster Ruling
Click The Bus… Sin City 2 Poster Ruling


Assorted Posters

Here are the posters we looked at in class, plus some extras we didn’t get to. Please look through all of them, then choose one or two to analyse in a bit of depth. You can also use a poster of your own choosing if you want something newer.

What I would remind you is to remember sign/signified/colour/framing/camera/font(s)/classification/etc… In short, anything you think relevant or that you have spotted. What is good/bad about the posters…

Enjoy! 🙂